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A creative study
for mini


What are the business challenges?

What are the customer pain points?

What makes MINI special compared to other brands? 

How can MINI provide are more affordable solution to the young generation?



Business opportunity 

User journey

UX Design & Wireframes of "the daily commute" use case

Interface Design: 4 key screens

Crafting a creative study while using the car brand MINI, we asked the question "How can we ensure MINI Electric is the first car choice for younger generations?"


In order to tackle the transition to electric, an agency developed a new service designed to provide MINI customers total confidence while also making it effortless to switch to electric. 


"ELECTRIC FOR YOU; The service that helps you discover the best ways to fit electric into your lifestyle. From helping you identify your optimal charging solution, to planning your unique electric routes, we are your partner in crime at every point of your electric journey"

Research. Ideation. UX. UI

business challenges
Slide 16_9 - 4.png
customer pain points
Slide 16_9 - 5.png
improving the end-to-end experience
Slide 16_9 - 12.png
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"Daily commute" user journey
Slide 16_9 - 7.png
concept screens EV charging
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